Kayaking on Kardzhali Dam

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Price 230 levs per participant

minimum number of participants – 6


  • full kayak equipment(kayak, paddle, PFD, spray deck, jacket, waterproof bag)
  • insurance
  • camping gear (tent, sleeping mat and bag)
  • qualified kayak guide
  • kayak safety briefing
  • free transport(there is an option for own transport)

Does not include:

  • accommodation in a hotel/guesthouse
  • food and beverages


100.00 лв.


Kayaking among the beauties of the Rhodope Mountains. You should try!

The most remarkable and variable mountain Rhodopes is filled with many lakes and dams. They are a great place for those wishing in a family or friendly circle to try to paddle together and spend their free time in nature.

Level of difficulty: the program is suitable for beginners and children and there is no need for preliminary preparation for kayaking.

Dates: when a group is formed;

Day one – departure in the late afternoon from Sofia and arrival of Kardzhali dam. There we will make a camp, light a campfire, around which we will discuss the upcoming adventure, eat and warm up near the fire. Overnight in tents.

Day two – after we are equipped and instructed, we paddle to the start of the dam where the Arda River flows. At low water level and in fine weather underwater you can see the remains of an old Roman bridge.

Day three – we paddle to the town of Gladartsi, where we have lunch with freshly caught fish at the local restaurant on the picturesque shore of the dam, kayak back, load the luggage and head to Sofia.


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